Supporting the Chemistry Department
The Department of Chemistry serves thousands of students each year, preparing them to become the leaders of tomorrow. Students at all levels receive the highest quality education enabled by our signature, integrated classroom and faculty-mentored research experiences. We also strive to meet the needs of the greater educational community through K-12 and other outreach programs, including partnerships with local school districts, state and federal government, Washington's industries and local businesses.
Friends and Alumni that generously share their resources play a vital role in our success. Many have made donations over the years to help the department establish endowments that can guarantee long-term stability in some areas. Expendable private monies from annual giving and proceeds from endowments amount to thousands of dollars per year, supporting transformative and enriching experiences for our students, and helping strengthen the program overall. To meet these goals, over the next 5 years our aim is to see annual private support to the department exceed $50,000.
A one-time or recurring gift allows the Department to work with its students to enrich their learning experience and to support its community of scholars. All gifts made to the Department can be specifically directed towards supporting particular initiatives, such as new or existing student scholarships, equipment funds, program enrichment, student conference attendance, research fellowships, and community outreach. In some instances, certain planned gifts can benefit both the Department and the donor, providing tax relief and annual income.
Your generous contribution to the Chemistry Department will help our faculty and staff provide the best learning experience to our students. You can contribute on-line now using our secure web server, or we invite you to contact the Department to discuss opportunities for giving.
Thank you!