Chemistry Department Seminars
Chemistry Department Seminars will be in-person in SL 120 for Winter 2025, unless otherwise noted. Some seminars may be also be broadcast online and recorded. For access to online seminars and/or recordings, please see the Majors Canvas page or contact the chemistry department at
The department strives to offer a diverse and vibrant seminar program. Each year leading researchers from outside the department, as well as faculty and graduate students from Western, present and discuss their cutting-edge research. This is an excellent opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to actively participate in the scientific community. In addition, many outside seminar speakers are recruiting graduate students for their respective programs and are eager to discuss their program. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Current Seminar Schedule
Welcome to the Winter Quarter 2025 Seminar Schedule!
Seminars will be in-person in SL 120 throughout Winter Quarter 2025, unless otherwise noted.
IN-PERSON Seminars typically take place on Friday from 3:15-4:15 pm in SL 120.
Seminar topics and titles will be posted as we receive additional information from speakers.
Winter Quarter 2025 Seminars
Friday, January 10
Title: "Getting involved in research and REU programs"
Host: WWU Chemistry Faculty Discussion Panel
Location: SL 120
Friday, January 17
Title: "Defects Chemistry as a Design Parameter to Enable Functional Electronics"
Speaker: Professor Luisa Whittaker-Brooks, University of Utah
Location: SL 120
CANCELLED Friday, January 24
Title: "New Concepts in Acid-Base Chemistry and Their Synthetic Applications"
Speaker: Professor Jeff Bandar, Colorado State University
Location: SL 120
Friday, January 31
Title: “Environmentally Friendly Culture: The Importance of Water Quality Research in Mongolia”
Speaker: Prof. Bolormaa, National University of Mongolia
Location: SL 120
CANCELLED Friday, February 7
Title: TBA
Speaker: TBA
Location: SL 120
ZOOM ONLY Friday, February 14
Title: “Synthetic Strategies for Glycans on Demand: Why Are We Still Making Most Molecules by Hand?”
Speaker: Professor Nicola Pohl, Indiana University (Zoom only)
Location: Zoom Only
Thursday, February 20th at 4:30 pm
Title: MARCH OF THE PIGMENTS: A Colorful Trek Through History
Speaker: Dr. Mary Virginia Orna, Professor Emerita of the College of New Rochelle
Location: WWU SMATE Building – SL 150
Friday, February 21
Title: TBA
Speaker: Professor Cathleen Crudden, Queens University, Jean Dreyfus Lecturer
Location: SL 120
Tuesday, February 28
Title: TBA
Speaker: Professor Paul Hanson, University of Kansas
Location: SL 120
Friday, March 7
Title: TBA
Speaker: Professor Jack Barbera, Portland State University
Location: SL 120
Friday, March 14
Week before finals (dead week)
Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA
Location: TBA
Friday, March 21
No Seminar. Finals week; good luck!