Minor Advising
Chemistry Minor
General Chemistry
General Chemistry (Previously CHEM 121-123)
- CHEM 161
- CHEM 162
- CHEM 163
Honors Chemistry
- CHEM 175
- CHEM176
- CHEM 225
15 Credits Upper Division
15 credits of upper-division chemistry electives (3-400 level courses)
Note: Students cannot have more than 4 credits of overlap between the chemistry minor and their major. Courses cannot be split for credit to obtain the maximum amount of overlap. For Example: If your major requires you to take CHEM 351-352, only CHEM 351 OR 352 will count for your major and minor. You will still have 11 upper division chemistry credits to complete for the minor.
Upper Division Chemistry
Upper-division courses available to chemistry minors (pending prerequisites are met)
Open to all majors
- CHEM 351 (4cr)
- CHEM 352 (4cr)
- CHEM 353 (3cr)
- CHEM 375 (4cr)
- CHEM 356 (2cr)
Major restricted until Phase II of registration
- CHEM 354 (3cr)
- CHEM 333 (5 cr)
- CHEM 471 (4 cr)
- CHEM 472 (4cr)
- Elective courses (~3cr)
Chemistry Minor Declarations will not be processed during Phase I Registration. Minors are not considered in major restrictions and will not receive overrides to restricted courses - please plan accordingly.