The chemistry program at Western Washington University is among the largest undergraduate programs in the nation, offering degrees in chemistry and biochemistry and awarding approximately 40 ACS approved degrees each year. Our program is widely recognized by employers and graduate schools as one of the strongest in the United States. Our students take challenging courses and make significant contributions to science through faculty mentored, cutting-edge research.

After graduation, many of our alumni continue their education in chemistry graduate schools, medical schools, or other professional fields, while others find fruitful careers in education, the science industry, and business worlds. The success of these graduates attests to the quality of our programs.
The program is small enough to allow faculty to interact on an individual level with students, yet large enough to offer an array of research and educational opportunities. Our faculty strives to combine excellence in teaching with creativity in research and education. We strive to develop and implement innovative teaching methods and incorporate the latest technologies in courses throughout the curriculum. For details about specific programs, career opportunities, and courses offered you can refer to the Chemistry Section in Western Washington University’s General Catalog.
Opportunities beyond classroom study are a cornerstone of our program. Students are encouraged to pursue faculty mentored research projects. Students typically present the results of their research at a national conference or during WWU’s annual Scholars Week. Many research students coauthor papers published in the scientific literature. In addition, upper-division students have the opportunity to serve as teaching assistants, providing valuable experience in leadership and communication.