Chemistry Department Scholarships
The Department of Chemistry awards both undergraduate and graduate scholarships and research fellowships at the end of each academic year. These awards are supported by generous donations by individuals and groups that support the department and its mission. Award recipients are selected by a departmental nomination process or by a scholarship committee based upon on specific requirements and academic qualifications.
Scholarship Application
Application Opens March 1st, 2024
Due April 5th @ 11:59PM 2024
Summer Fellowship Application
Application Opens March 1st, 2024
Due April 8th @ 11:59PM 2024
Scholarships Available
JR/SR standing. Purpose of fund is to encourage superior talent and achievement in chemistry.
Typical Offering
2 Scholarships @ 2,000 each
Most talented chemistry student with outstanding academic merit.
Typical Offering
2 Scholarships @ $2,000 each
Any Chemistry Department Major
Typical Offering
1 Scholarship @ $1,500
Declared Chemistry or Biochemistry Major
Typical Offering
4 Scholarships @ $1,500 each
Declared chemistry major with overall GPA between 3.2 and 3.8.
Typical Offering
1 scholarship @ $1,500
Must be a student with financial need who are chemistry or biology majors (Offered every other year)
Typical Offering
1 scholarship @ $1,000
GPA of 3.0 or above out of 4.0, continual enrollment as a full-time undergraduate student, declared major in chemistry, must demonstrate a commitment to become a high school chemistry teacher. Preference should be given to students with demonstrated financial need.
Typical Offering
2 Scholarships @ $10,000
Student must have superior research talent and achievement in chemistry or biochemistry. Must be declared BS-Biochemistry or BS-Chemistry in their Jr. or Sr. year. Preference should be made to applicants who clearly demonstrate academic merit, scientific research achievement, and financial need.
Typical Offering
1 scholarship @ $1000
Full time enrollment (12 credits or more), undergrad, state supported program, superior academic ability. Does not consider financial need.
Typical Offering
2 scholarships @ 900 each
Summer Research Fellowships Available
Chemistry student demonstrating outstanding academic merit and/or intense interest in and capability for independent creative scholarly work in CSE.
Typical Offering
2 Fellowships at $6,000 each
Applying for Fellowships
Students interested in a summer research fellowship must contact their faculty PI before applying.
Students must submit a Chemistry Department Summer Fellowship Application (this includes a 1-2 page research proposal) and faculty PIs must turn in a Faculty Assessment Form for students to be an eligible applicant.
Note: scholarships and fellowships and their typical offerings listed are not guaranteed and they may not be offered every year. ALL scholarships and fellowships will be awarded through separate applications. Please reach out to your faculty mentor if you are applying to a fellowship.
College of Science and Engineering
CSE Scholarships
Find all CSE scholarships here.
CSE Summer Research Awards
Find all CSE Summer Research Awards here.
Up to three summer research awards will be awarded to chemistry department applicants who meet the following criteria:
- For an undergraduate student majoring in a in CSE program
- Based on overall academic merit
- Financial aid need considered for some awards
- Research must be supervised by an appropriate faculty mentor
*Awards are $6,000 and amounts are paid as summer salary—students will track their working hours and submit time cards
Application for Summer 2024 Fellowships - Summer Research Award application due 2/16/2024