Instrumentation & Instrument Scheduling


Facilities Online Manager (FOM)

The Chemistry department utilizes the Facilities Online Manager (FOM) software suite for scheduling equipment, tracking user status, granting lab access, keeping track of training, and much more. Any equipment that is managed by FOM can be accessed through one user portal governed by WWU's CAS login.

Faculty, staff, and students of WWU who wish to utilize the Department's instrumentation must first create a FOM account.

Questions? Contact

FOM User Account

  1. Go to the WWU portal for FOM.
  2. Select “Click here to login with WWU ID if you are a member of WWU.” A WWU Universal Login page will open. Enter your Western credentials.

  3. Fill out the User Registration form and select submit. 

  4. Once you have entered the required budget information select “User Home" from the navigation panel on the left. This will take you to the User Home Page where you will see a list of Available Instruments on the right. Registration is not complete until you apply to use an instrument. Select the desired instrument(s) from the list on the right. Only apply for those instruments you intend to use. Note: If the account warning window persists, log out of FOM -- log back in and then return to the User Home Page.

  5. A message will be sent to staff and your account activated. Once activated, you will see the requested instrument names listed on the left side of the User Home Page.

  6. Once given access to an instrument, you may have to log out and back in for it to show as available to you.

Chemistry Department Instrumentation

Through major grants from NSF, NIH, ACS Petroleum Research Fund, Dreyfus Foundation, Murdock Charitable Trust, Research Corporation, and additional funding from Western Washington University, the Chemistry Department maintains a suite of state-of-the-art instrumentation. For a complete list of instrumentation and equipment that Chemistry offers, please see the Department's complete Instrumentation List.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Facility at Western

Welcome to the homepage of the NMR Facility at Western Washington University.  The facility is staffed and operated by the Department of Chemistry.  The primary focus of the facility is to provide students, faculty, and staff with access to state-of-the-art NMR equipment.  The facility includes two FT-NMR systems, a Bruker Avance III 500 MHz and a Varian MercuryPlus 300 MHz, with accessories to analyze both liquid and solid-state samples.

NMR Time Scheduling

Contact the NMR Coordinator


Agilent 6890-5973 GC-MS with 100 position autosampler

Varian CP3800 GC with FID detector and 50 position autosampler

Varian 3900 GC with FID detector and 10 position autosampler

Varian Prostar HPLC with PDA UV/Vis detector and 84 position autosampler



Bruker Avance III 500 MHz FT-NMR with 24 position autosampler

Varian MercuryPlus 300 MHz FT-NMR with 100 position autosampler

Jasco V-670 UV/Vis with 6 position linear cell changer (Peltier temperature controlled) and diffuse reflectance accessories

HP 8452A UV/Vis (x3)

HP 8453 UV/Vis (x2)

OLIS DSM-10 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer with Peltier temperature control, stopped flow, and titrator accessories

Jasco 4600 FT-IR with single-bounce diamond ATR

Thermo Nicolet 6700 FT-IR with single-bounce diamond ATR

​Thermo iS10 FT-IR with single-bounce diamond ATR

​PTI Fluorometer with excitation/emission polarizers and 4 position autosampler (Peltier temperature controlled)

SPECS Sage 100 X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer with dual Al/Mg source


Rigaku XtaLab Pro XRD with Cu & Mo sources

Horiba Auto SE Ellipsometer

Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Surface Area/Porosimetry System

Beckman Coulter Delsa Nano HC Photo Correlation Spectrometer

Pine WaveNow Potentiastats (x2)

Pine WaveDriver 20 Bipotentiastat

Rudolph Digital Automatic Polarimeter

Rigaku XtaLab Pro XRD with Cu & Mo sources


​Beckman Coulter XPN-80 Ultracentrifuge with TY-70 Ti fixed angle and SW-32 Ti swinging bucket rotors

Sorvall RC-6+ Superspeed Centrifuge (x2) with F10S-6x500y and F20S-8x50y fiberglass rotors

Market Forge Sterilmatic Autoclave

CEM Discover Microwave Synthesizer with 24 position autosampler

Labconco FreeZone Lyophilizer

Millipore Milli-Q Advantage A-10 Nanopure System

Thermal Analysis:

TA Instruments Q500 TGA

TA Instruments Q500 TGA with Thermo iS10 FTIR

TA Instruments Q100 DSC

TA Instruments Q20 HP-DSC

TA Instruments Q800 DMA

TA Instruments DHR-2 Hybrid Rheometer

Thermal Analysis

Instrumentation Available via Scientific Technical Services



Agilent 1100 Series HPLC with Infinity 1260 multiple wavelength detector and 40 position autosampler

Varian ProStar 240 HPLC with multiple wavelength and Waters 432 conductivity detectors

Malvern GPCMax GPC with LALS & RALS, and a RI detector

Varian CP3800 GC with Saturn 2000 Ion Trap MS and 50 position autosampler




JEOL JSM-7200F SEM with Oxford Instruments EDX, Deben HAADF Annular SEM/STEM, and retractable backscatter detectors

Vega TS 5136MM SEM with Oxford Instruments EDX, Deben Centaurus CL, Gatan Chroma CL, and retractable backscatter detectors

PowerTomePC Ultramicrotome with cryogenic cooling

Packard 1900 CA Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Counter

Varian SpectraAA 220FS FAAS with SPS-5 and SIPS autosampler

Varian SpectraAA 220Z GFAA with GTA 110Z and PSD


SCI tech