Gary Lampman , PhD
Professor Emeritus - Organic Chemistry
Research Interests
- Microscale Organic and Modern Instrumentation in the Undergraduate Curriculum.
- Cobaloxime Chemistry.
- Writing Undergraduate Textbooks for Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopy.
Educational & Professional Experience
- B.S. University of California, Los Angeles.
- Ph.D. University of Washington.
Recent Publications
- D.L.Pavia, G.M.Lampman, G.S.Kriz and R.E.Engel, "Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques - A Small Scale Approach," Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia (1998). A new revision of the 3rd edition of "Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques - A Contemporary Approach".
- D.L.Pavia, G.M.Lampman, G.S.Kriz and R.E.Engel, "Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques - a microscale approach," 3rd edition, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia (1999).
- D.L.Pavia, G.M.Lampman and G.S.Kriz, "Introduction to Spectroscopy - A Guide for Students of Organic Chemistry," 3rd edition, Harcourt College Publishing, Philadelphia (2001).