P. Clint Spiegel , PhD

Professor Biochemistry · he/him/his

Research Interests

My research group is interested in using structural and biochemical approaches to better understand three specific areas in biology: (1) the activation and inhibition of ribosomal GTPases in prokaryotic translation; (2) mechanisms of antibody inhibitors that target blood coagulation factor VIII; (3) crystallographic investigations of computationally engineered proteins and protein complexes. To accomplish our goals, we employ standard molecular biology techniques, biochemical and immunological assays for measurement of enzyme activity and protein-ligand binding, and a variety of structural techniques, such as x-ray crystallography, computational modeling and small angle x-ray scattering. 

Educational & Professional Experience

  • B.S. Oregon State University, 1999.
  • Ph.D. University of Washington, 2004.
  • Jane Coffin Childs Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2004-2007.