Request to Declare a Minor in Chemistry

To request declaration of a Chemistry Minor, please complete the form below.

  • Please fill out the below form to notify the chemistry department of your intent to minor in chemistry.
  • The department advisors will be in contact with you regarding your request to minor in chemistry within one week. If you do not hear back after one week please follow up with an email to
  • Please note: the more chemistry your major requires, the more difficult it is to complete a chemistry minor as minors are not included in major restrictions for upper-division chemistry courses and you are unable to overlap more than one upper-division class between your major and minor.
  • If your declared major is listed, select your declared major and complete the upper-division chemistry study plan grid. 
    • Complete the grid to submit your study plan.  
      • If you don't intend to enroll or apply a course to your minor, select "N/A."
      • If you plan to apply a course to your major, select "To Major."
  • If you have questions or concerns about what courses to take please review out minor advising page

Chemistry Minor Catalog Requirements:

❑ Choose one of the following series:

~ Or ~

~ And ~

❑ 15 credits of upper-division chemistry courses

  •     Up to 4 upper-division credits may overlap and be applied to both the chemistry minor and the student's major degree requirements.


Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Declared Major
Note: Please list all chemistry courses that you intend to take to complete your minor (and major if you have chemistry courses required in your major)
Only 4 credits can overlap between your major and minor. You will hear from the chemistry department once your request to declare has been processed. Please allow one week for processing. 
After submitting, you will be directed to a minor declaration esign form. Please fill out the student section of the form and "submit" to If you submit directly to the registrar's office your records will not be updated.  Please check the box to reflect your understanding of the directions to submit a minor declaration.