Group News

John Antos

John Antos, PhD

(360) 650-2271 | CB 440

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Our work on sortase homologs with different substrate selectivities is out in ChemBioChem. Congrats to Keyvan, Nick, Jesse, Orion, Pavel, Dave, and Travis!


Updated protocol for sortase-based labeling now available in Current Protocols in Protein Science.


Congratulations to David Brzovic for receiving an Outstanding Poster Award at Scholar's Week 2017!


Antos lab at ACS San Francisco - Nicholas Horvath and Orion Banks did a great job representing the group!



New sortase review written with colleagues from the Whitehead Institute published in COSB.


Our NIH R15 proposal "Enhancing the Efficiency and Scope of Sortase-Mediated Ligations" has been funded and officially starts today. A big 'thank you' to all group members, past and present, on your hard work over the last few years!


Congratulations to Jesse Prelesnik and Nicholas Horvath for receiving an Outstanding Poster Award at Scholar's Week 2016! 


John receives a 2016 Cottrell Scholar Award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement to pursue the structural characterization of sortase enzymes and to develop a new laboratory experience for WWU undergrads. Thank you Research Corporation!


Our communication on the use of nickel-peptide complexes for driving sortase-mediated reactions is out in ChemComm. Congratulations to Dave, Travis, Marina, and Lorena for all their hard work!!divAbstract


Great write-up in the Western Front! Congrats to Rob Berger (WWU Chemistry) who is also featured in this article.


Antos Lab presents at Scholar’s Week 2015! Congratulations to Lorena Perkins and Marina Philip for receiving an Outstanding Poster Award!

Lorena Perkins and Marina Philip smile in front of their research poster
Two students smile in front of their research posters


Our work with the Murphy Group on controlled release of chemokines from silk hydrogels is published in Biomacromolecules.


John receives a Cottrell College Science Award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement to continue our study of sortase homolog activity.