Research Group

Photo of Dr. Kowalczyk

Tim Kowalczyk, PhD


(360) 650-6622 | CB 241

View Profile

Dr. Kowalczyk and ten research students sitting on the log sculpture outside of Morse Hall, spring 2023

Undergraduate Students

Anders Johnson, Winter 2024 - present

Andie Jennings, Fall 2023 - present

Owen Akopiantz, Spring 2023 - present

Will Marchand, Spring 2023 - present

Hosanna Abbay, Spring 2022 - present

Henry Thornes, Spring 2022 - present

M.S. Students

Ayomide Oluwafemi, Fall 2022 - present

We have openings for graduate researchers to pursue an M.S. thesis degree in computational chemistry! Please contact Dr. Kowalczyk for details.

Visiting Scholars

Dr. Asnake Haile, June 2022
USAfrI Visiting Scholar, Assosa University

Group Photo Archive

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a group of students pose on and around a boulder Summer 2017

a group of students poses on a wooden sculpture Summer 2016

a group of students poses on a wooden sculpture Summer 2016

a group poses on a mountain with a mountain range and blue sky behind them. Summer 2015 group hike

a group poses on a mountain with a mountain range and blue sky behind them. Summer 2015 group hike

A small group of students poses on a wooden sculpture Winter 2015

A small group of students poses on a wooden sculpture Winter 2015

Research Group Alumnx

Graduate Program

Gunnar Carlson, M.S. Chemistry, Spring 2021
Thesis: Implementation of a Constraint and Configuration Interaction Methodology Into Density Functional Tight Binding

Dario Cirlincione, Fall 2020 - Spring 2021

Reuben Szabo, M.S. Chemistry, Winter 2021
Thesis: Extension of Restricted Open-Shell Kohn-Sham Methodology to a Density-Functional Tight-Binding Framework

Megan Deshaye, M.S. Chemistry, Fall 2020
Thesis: Development of TI-DFTB: Transition Dipole Moment Calculations in a Time-Independent Density Functional Tight-Binding Framework

Narissa (Risa) Kanlayakan, Spring 2019 - Spring 2020
RGJ PhD Visiting Scholar, Chiang Mai University (CCL-CMU)

Preeyaporn (Priaw) Poldorn, Fall 2018 - Fall 2019
RGJ PhD Visiting Scholar, Ubon Ratchathani University (CTC-UBU)

Brian Barragan-Cruz, Summer 2019
M.S. Computer Science, WWU (Hutchinson group), Fall 2019

Chanatkran (Natty) Prommin, Spring 2018 - Spring 2019
RGJ PhD Visiting Scholar, Chiang Mai University (CCL-CMU)
Thesis advisor: Nawee Kungwan, CMU Chemistry

Keenan Komoto, M.S. Chemistry, Spring 2017
Thesis: A Computational Investigation of BODIPY Excited State Properties and Photosensitization of Molecular Oxygen

Undergraduate Program

Date indicates most recent quarter active in the group as an undergraduate (not necessarily quarter of graduation)

Katie Snyder, B.S. Chemistry (Central Washington University), Summer 2023 (REU)

Alana Sullivan, B.S. Behavioral Neuroscience, Materials Science minor, Summer 2023

Megan Robbins, B.S. Chemistry, Summer 2023

Christine Frederickson, B.S. Chemistry, Summer 2023

Tom Wheaton, B.S. Chemistry with Honors, Summer 2023

Brandon Parker, B.S. Chemistry with Honors, Summer 2023

Charlie DeFreest, B.A. Biochemistry, Spring 2023

Wesley Hager, B.S. Chemistry, Spring 2022

Sam Cummings, Spring 2022 - Summer 2022

Angelica Satumbaga, Spring 2022 - Summer 2022

Txell Smith-Aguirre, B.S. Chemistry, Spring 2022

Tanner Leo, B.S. Plastics & Composites Engineering, Materials Science minor, Fall 2021

Alex Wrede, B.S. Biochemistry, Fall 2021

Garrett Fitzsimmons, B.S. Physics & Astronomy, Materials Science minor, Summer 2021

Ian McCleary, B.S. Computer Science, Mathematics minor, Summer 2021

Megan Miller, B.S. Environmental Sciences, Summer 2021

Noah Sinnes, B.S. Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Chemistry minor, Summer 2021

Gideon Wolfe, B.S. Computer Science, Spring 2021

Trevor Hargrave, B.S. EE/Energy, Materials Science minor, Spring 2020

Andrew Mehs, Summer 2019

Ryan Lingg*, B.S. Computer Science, Summer 2019

Jason Stockwell+, B.S. Chemistry, Summer 2019

Sage Pavey+, B.S. Chemistry, Summer 2019

Joyce Kim, Sehome H.S. student, Spring 2019 - Summer 2019

Anna Lamping, Summer 2017

Kelly Yokuda, B.S. Chemistry with Honors, Spring 2019

Vanessa Nguyen, B.S. Chemistry, Fall 2017

Matthew Paige, B.S. Applied Mathematics, Fall 2017

Justin Doyle, B.S. Chemistry, Fall 2017

Emily McCracken, B.S. Chemistry, Fall 2017

Khoa Le, B.S. Chemistry, Math & Biology minors, Spring 2017

Zoe Pollard, B.S. Mathematics, Materials Science minor, Winter 2017

Alessandro Banducci, B.S. Physics and Mathematics, Winter 2017

Alyssa Goodey, B.S. Biochemistry, Energy Science minor, Fall 2016

Hillary Pan, B.S. Physics (Oberlin College), Summer 2016 (REU)

Natalya Garcia, B.S. Chemistry, Materials Science minor, Summer 2016

Viktor Laszlo, B.S. Chemistry, Materials Science minor, Fall 2015

Daniel Dupont, B.S. Physics at University of Utah, Spring 2015

* = summer researcher co-advised with Prof. Brian Hutchinson, Computer Science
+ = summer researcher co-advised with Prof. Margaret Scheuermann, Chemistry

Prospective Students

Our group reflects the interdisciplinary nature of materials science research: current and recently graduated members include chemistry, biochemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science majors, as well as materials and energy science minors. A team-oriented attitude and an interest in tackling materials science challenges through modeling and simulation are the most important prerequisites for our research; prior coursework in quantum mechanics, linear algebra, organic chemistry, and computer programming are all a plus. WWU undergraduates and prospective masters students with an interest our work are welcome to contact Dr. Kowalczyk (email, or drop by CB 241) to discuss current opportunities.