Dr. O'Neil's CV
Gregory W. O’Neil
Department of Chemistry tel: 360-650-6283
Western Washington University fax: 360-650-2826
Bellingham, WA 98225 oneilg@wwu.edu
Alexander-von-Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim Ruhr, Germany, 2006-2008
Ph. D. Organic Chemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 2002-2006
B. S. Chemistry, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, 1998-2002
Research and Teaching Experience
Professor of Chemistry, Western Washington University, 2018 – present
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Western Washington University, 2012 – 2018
Visiting Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2014 – 2015
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Western Washington University, 2008 – 2012
Postdoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim Ruhr, Germany; Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alois Fürstner, 2006 – 2008
Graduate Student Research Assistant, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; Advisor: Prof. Andrew J. Phillips, 2002 – 2006
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA; Advisor: Dr. Christopher Reddy, 2002
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA; Advisor: Lawrence T. Scott, 2000 – 2002
Honors and Awards
Paul J. Olscamp Research Award, 2020
AMSEC SEED Grant, 2015, 2019
National Science Foundation Research in Undergraduate Institutions (NSF-RUI) Award, 2018
Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, 2014
National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, 2012
National Institutes of Health Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA), 2012, 2016
Project Development Award, WWU Research and Sponsored Programs, 2011
ACS Organic Chemistry Division, Faculty Travel Award, 2009
Petroleum Research Fund Undergraduate New Investigator Award, 2009
Research Corporation, Cottrell College Science Award, 2008
Alexander-von-Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2006-2008
Graduate Student Teaching Award, University of Colorado, 2005
Professional Responsibilities
Reviewer for journals and funding agencies such as: Organic Letters, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Energy & Fuels, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, ACS Petroleum Research Fund, Research Corporation, National Science Foundation
ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, March 2010: Session Chair
2010 ACS – Puget Sound Section Undergraduate Research Symposium: Session Chair
2013 ACS National Organic Symposium: Session Chair
ACS National Meeting, Dallas, March 2014: Session Chair
NSF Panelist, 2016
ACS Northwest Regional Meeting Chair, 2020
Professional Affiliations
American Chemical Society, member (since 2002)
American Oil Chemists’ Society, member (since 2015)
Society of Cosmetic Chemists, member (since 2016)
Council on Undergraduate Research, individual member (since 2011)
Alexander von Humboldt, Alumni Association, member (since 2008)
Professional Development
AAAS Communicating Science Workshop, WWU (September 2017)
Change-at-the-Core (C-Core) Student-Centered Learning and Teaching Workshop, WWU (August 2016)
NSF-REU Director Workshop, San Antonio, TX, July 2012.
Courses Taught
Course Number/Title
CHEM 351/Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 352/Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 353/Organic Chemistry III
CHEM 354/Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 355/Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 425a/Natural Products Chemistry
CHEM 425b/Organic Reactions
CHEM 454,554/Organic Spectroscopy
CHEM,ENRG 381/Biofuels
Western Washington University
WWU Community Engagement Fellow (2016-2017)
Committee on University Programs, 2015-2019
University Library Sustainable Access Task Force Committee, 2015-2016
Marine Science Program Task Force Committee, 2015-2016
Planning, Policy, and Budgetary Committee Member, 2012-2013 and Fall 2016
Back2Bellingham, presenter (2012)
College of Sciences and Technology Resource Committee Member, 2011
Poster Judge, Scholar’s Week Undergraduate Poster Presentation, 2008-present
Beckman Scholar’s Program Proposal Committee, co-Author (Summer 2009)
WWU Chemistry NSF-REU Program, Director (2011-2013)
“Building the Future of the Library: A Dialogue.” Chemistry department representative, 2011
Western Preview, Chemistry Department Representative, 2010
Department of Chemistry
Chemistry Budget Committee (2014-present)
Chemistry Space Committee (2012-present, Chair 2016-present)
Department Assessment Committee (2013-2017)
General Chemistry Task Force Committee (2015-2016)
Faculty Search Committee, Chair (2014)
WWU Chemistry REU Program, Director (2011-2013)
Department Graduate Committee (2008 - present)
Department Library Liaison (2008 – 2014)
Department NMR Committee (2009 – present)
Chemistry Graduate Program Task Force, member (2010 - 2011)
“What, When, Where, and How of Graduate School in the Sciences.” panelist (2008, 2010, 2016)
“Meet the Chemistry Research Faculty.” Organic Chemistry representative (2011)
Guest Panelist for Future Teachers in SCED 294 (Prof. Emily Borda) Spring 2010
Chemistry Department Seminar Coordinator (Winter 2011, Fall 2020)
M.S Thesis Committee Member
Chemistry Department tour: Sehome High School (2011), Chinook Middle School (2011), Kulshan Middle School (2015)