Publications & Funding
Since 2010, the Rider Group has had the following publications (*-WWU students):
17. Koch, K. C.; Korus, D.; Doyle, J.; Plummer, M.; Boxx, M.; Win-Piazza, H.; McDowall, S.; Patrick, D. L.; Rider, D. A. “Quantum Dot-Block Copolymer Hybrids for Low Scattering Luminescent Solar Concentrators.”ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2022, 4, 3283–3293.
16. Nadeem, A.; Brown, E. A.; Radford, M. J.; Andreu, I.; Gates, B. D.; Rider, D. A. "Improved Resilience and Uniformity in Polysulfone Blends from an Accelerated Grafting Ring-Opening Polymerization Reaction with Benzoxazine." Macromolecules 2021, 54, 10017–10030.
15. Rauschendorfer, R. J.; Whitham, K. M.; Summer, S.; Patrick, S. A.; Pierce, A. E.; Tadjiki, S.; Kraft, M. D.; Emory, S. R.; Rider, D. A.; Montaño, M. D. “Development and application of Au Nanoparticle-nanopolymer composite spheres for environmental monitoring” Frontiers Environ. Sci. 2021, 3, 752296_1-752296_14.
14. O’Neil, G. W.; Yen, T. Q.;* Leitch, M.;* Wilson, G.;* Brown, E. A.;* Rider, D. A.; Reddy, C. “Alkenones as Renewable Phase Change Materials.” Renew. Energ. 2018, 134, 89-94.
13. Butler, T.; Alden, S. E.;* Taylor, M.; Deese, S.; Rider, D. A.; Laskoski, M. “Oligomeric Phthalonitriles and Tetrakis(phenylethynyl)benzene Blends with Improved Processing and Thermal Properties.” J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem. 2018, 56, 2630-2640.
12. Curtis, T.;* Taylor, A. K.;* Alden, S. E.;* Swanson, C;* Lo, J.;* Knight, L.*; King, A.;* Gates, B. D.; Emory, S. R.; Rider, D. A. “Synthesis and Characterization of Tunable, pH-Responsive Polymer Microgels for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Detection.” ACS Omega 2018, 3, 10572-10588.
11. Taylor, A. K.;* Perez, D. S.;* Zhang, X.; Pilapil, B. K.;Engekhard, M. H.; Gates, B. D.; Rider, D. A. “Block Copolymer Templated Synthesis of PtIr Bimetallic Nanocatalysts for the Formic Acid Oxidation Reaction” J. Mater. Chem. A 2017, 5, 21514–21527.
10. Brown, E. A.*; Rider, D. A. “Pegylated Polybenzoxazine Networks with Increased Thermal Stability from Miscible Blends of Tosylated Poly(ethylene glycol) and a Benzoxazine Monomer” Macromolecules 2017, 50, 6468–6481.
9. Hackler, R. A.;* Hollcraft, A. T.;* Kirkness, T. A.;* Larson N. S.; Hoekstra, N. L.; Rider, D. A. “Relief of Cure Stress in Prepreg Composites with Engineered Voids: A Solution to Warping in Composite Phenolic Resin/Fiberglass Laminates” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 3568–3578.
8. Mikkelsen, K.;* Cassidy, B.;* Hofstetter, N.;* Bergquist, L.;* Taylor, A. K.;* Rider, D. A., Block Copolymer Templated Synthesis of Core-Shell PtAu Bimetallic Nanocatalysts for the Methanol Oxidation Reaction. Chem. Mater. 2014, 26, 6928–6940.
7. Kato, F.*; Rider, D. A. “Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers” Ann. Rep. Sec. A 2013, 109, 277-298.
6. Knowles, K. D.;* Hanson, C. C.;* Fogel, A. L.;* Warhol, B.;* Rider, D. A., “Layer-by-Layer Assembled Multilayers of Polyethylenimine-Stabilized Platinum Nanoparticles and PEDOT:PSS as Anodes for the Methanol Oxidation Reaction.” ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2012, 4, 3575-3583.
5. Worfolk, B. J.; Hauger, T. C.; Harris, K. D.; Rider, D. A.; Fordyce, J. A. M.; Beaupré, S.; Leclerc, M.; Buriak, J. M., “Work Function Control of Interfacial Buffer Layers for Efficient and Air Stable Inverted Low Band Gap Organic Photovoltaics.” Adv. Energ. Mater. 2012, 2, 361-368.
4. Eloi, J.-C.; Rider, D. A.; Cambridge, G.; Whittell, G. R.; Winnik, M. A.; Manners, I., “Stimulus-Responsive Self-Assembly: Reversible, Redox-Controlled Micellisation of Polyferrocenylsilane Diblock Copolymers.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 8903-8913.
3. Thomas, M.; Worfolk, B. J.; Rider, D. A.; Taschuk, M. T.; Buriak, J. M.; Brett, M. J., “C60 Fullerene Nanocolumns – Polythiophene Heterojunctions for Inverted Organic Photovoltaic Cells” ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2011, 3, 1887-1894.
2. Worfolk, B. J.; Rider, D. A.; Elias, A. L.; Thomas, M.; Harris, K. D.; Buriak, J. M., “Bulk Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaics Based on Carboxylated Polythiophenes and PCBM on Glass and Plastic Substrates.” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21, 1816-1826.
1. Rider, D. A.; Tucker, R. T.; Worfolk, B. J.; Krause, K. M.; Lalany, A.; Shahbazi, K.; Brett, M. J.; Buriak, J. M., Harris, K. D. “Indium Tin Oxide Nanopillar Electrodes in Polymer/Fullerene Solar Cells.” Nanotechnology 2011, 22, 085706-1 - 085706-9.
Since 2010, the Rider Group has been funded by the generous external sponsors listed below:
- American Chemical Society – Petroleum Research Fund, Undergraduate Research 2021-2023. "Hybrid benzoxazine polymers and composites from a grafting thermal ring-opening polymerization reaction."
- National Science Foundation 2020-2023. “MRI: Acquisition of a Raman Imaging Microscope at Western Washington University."
- National Science Foundation 2017-2020. “Engineering Nanoscale Disorder in Polymer-Semiconductor Nanocrystal Composites for Minimized Optical Losses.”
- Joint Center for Deployment and Research in Earth Abundant Materials 2017. "Acquisition of a Transmission Electron Microscope."
- Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation 2016-2017. “Transitioning New and Re-Invented Thermoset Resins From the Lab Into Aerospace Composites.”
- Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation 2015-2016. “Characterization of Prepreg Materials Using Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing.”
- Zodiac Cabins and Structures Summer 2015 Grant. “Development, Characterization and Manufacture of Non-Phenolic Prepreg Composite Materials.”
- Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation 2014-2015. “Development of Fasteners for Aircraft Interiors.”
- Zodiac Cabins and Structures Summer 2014 Grant. “A Chemical, Mechanical and Macroscopic Investigation of Composite Panels for Aerospace Technology."
- American Chemical Society – Petroleum Research Fund, Undergraduate Research 2014-2018. “Understanding and Utilizing Block Copolymer Templates for the Preparation of Bimetallic Catalysts for Fuel Cell Applications,” #54780-UR10.
- Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory “Understanding and Utilizing Block Copolymer Templates for the Preparation of Bimetallic Catalysts for Fuel Cell Applications,” # 48182.
- Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation 2013-2014. “Next Generation Resins for Aerospace Composites in Washington.”
- Zodiac Cabins and Structures Summer 2013 Grant. “A Chemical, Mechanical and Macroscopic Investigation of Composite Panels for Aerospace Technology.”
- Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation 2013. “Characterization of Composite Panel Manufacturing for Aerospace Applications.”
- Research Corporation – Single Investigator Cottrell College Scholar Award. “Conducting Polymer/Nanoparticle Interfacial Layers for Hydrogen Fuel Cells,” # 21109.
- American Chemical Society – Petroleum Research Fund, Undergraduate New Investigator. “Size and Shape Controlled Electrodeposition of Cuprous Oxide Semiconductor Nanoparticles from Tailored Diblock Copolymer Templates,” # 51559-UNI10.